Rotor Blade Repair Training

Professional rotor blade service consists of qualified repair trainings to understand the damages found and to apply an appropriate repair procedure at the wind park site.

Training Modules

The training will be held in classroom and at our training sites. Based on standard repair procedures defined in a repair handbook or by using individually engineered repair procedures for complex damages the trainees are performing the works under supervision until they gained sufficient skills to continue the works independently.


Discover damages at your blades at a stage where a simple on-spot repair can solve the problem before a whole blade needs to be taken down for repair. Your trained staff will be able to make repairs on the fly at your wind park site.


The certificate guarantees you a professional within your wind park care team to make repairs with deep material knowledge.

Training Site

RotorExperts provides professional training to enable the trainees to perform the related repair works according to international standards. The appropriate use of personal safety equipment and rescue procedures are trained as well as performing inspection, maintenance and repair works on rotor blades on-site. Discover damages at your blades at a stage where a simple on-spot repair can solve the problem before a whole blade needs to be taken down for repair.